"The songs-letters highlight Toldam’s unique gift to sketch strong, lyrical melodies that incorporate organically influences from Scandinavian folk and jazz legacies... In a way, «Tak for dit brev» offers some of Toldam’s today answers to the timeless messages of «Jazz På Svenska»” - Eyal Hareuveni, salt-peanuts

 Tak for dit brev

(Thank You For Your Letter)

Georg Riedel - double bass
Nils Berg - bass clarinet
Anders Christensen - double bass
Tobias Wiklund - cornet
Simon Toldam - piano/clarinet

Music composed by Simon Toldam.

Tak for dit brev (Thank You For Your Letter), is the new album by Danish pianist and composer Simon Toldam. The release is a fictional correspondence in which life’s small and large experiences - everyday events, important human encounters, and transformative moments - are manifested as written letters, with Toldam’s compositions representing responses. 

Foto: Jeanette Phillipsen
